Ah 0-8 cm |
(7.5YR 5.5/3, dry) (7.5YR 4/3, moist)loamy sand,massive,slightly hard friable non sticky non plastic,common very fine pores and few pores moderately porous (40-60 vol%),many very fine roots,non calcareous 10% HCl,abrupt smooth boundary to, |
E1 8-20 cm |
light brown (7.5YR 6/4, dry) brown (7.5YR 5/4, moist)loamy sand slightly gravelly,massive,slightly hard friable non sticky non plastic,many very fine pores moderately porous (40-60 vol%),common very fine roots,non calcareous 10% HCl,clear boundary to, |
E2 20-36 cm |
(7.5YR 7/5, dry) (7.5YR 6/5, moist)loamy sand gravelly,massive,slightly hard friable non sticky non plastic,few fine faint clear mottles (5YR 5/6) and few medium faint mottles (5YR 5/6),many very fine pores moderately porous (40-60 vol%),common very fine roots,non calcareous 10% HCl,clear boundary to, |
Bt1 36-51 cm |
red (2.5YR 5/6, dry) red (2.5YR 4/6, moist)clay gravelly,massive to weak fine subangular blocky,hard firm sticky plastic,few medium distinct clear mottles (7.5YR 5/4),common many very fine very fine pores slightly porous (<40 vol%),few very fine roots,non calcareous 10% HCl,clear boundary to, |
Bt2 51-70 cm |
red (2.5YR 4/6, moist)clay slightly gravelly,medium angular blocky moderate,hard very firm sticky plastic,many medium distinct clear mottles (5YR 4/6) and many coarse distinct mottles (5YR 4/6),common very fine pores slightly porous (<40 vol%),few very fine roots,very few small spherical soft manganiferous concretions,few fine gravel weathered felspar fragments,non calcareous 10% HCl,clear boundary to, |
70-80 cm |
red (2.5YR 4/6, moist)clay slightly gravelly,coarse angular blocky moderate,hard very firm sticky plastic,many medium distinct clear mottles (10R 3/6) and many coarse distinct mottles (2.5Y 6/3),few common very fine very fine pores slightly porous (<40 vol%),few very fine roots,few small spherical soft manganiferous concretions few medium spherical soft manganiferous concretions,few fine gravel weathered feldspar frequent medium gravel weathered feldspar fragments,non calcareous 10% HCl,gradual boundary to, |
C 80-92 cm |
light grey (2.5Y 7/2, dry) light brownish grey (2.5Y 6/2, moist)clay slightly gravelly,massive,hard firm sticky plastic,common fine distinct sharp mottles (2.5YR 3/6) and common medium distinct mottles (10YR 6/4),few pores slightly porous (<40 vol%),few very fine roots,non calcareous 10% HCl, |