Reference soil Botswana 04: Calcisol
Calcisols occur in regions with distinct dry seasons, as well as in dry areas where carbonate-rich groundwater comes near the surface.
Soils having a (petro-)calcic horizon (horizon with accumulation of secondary calcium carbonates). In addition, they have no diagnostic horizons other than an ochric or cambic horizon, a calcareous argic horizon, or a gypsic horizon beneath a petrocalcic horizon.
Reference soil BW004: Calcisols
LOCATION: 200 m West of main road to Gabarone VEGETATION: Acacia Mixed Woodland with A.nigerescens and A.totrilis BRIEF PROFILE DESCRIPTION: A moderatley deep, well drained, dark reddish brown snady clay loam with an epipedon of sandy loam texture, horizonation is gradual to clear, weak fine sub-angular blocky structure is confined to the top 33 cm. The soil reaction is slightly acid but becomes neutral to moderately alkaline in the subsoil. MORPHOLOGY: B1 Very fine and fine gravel increasing with depth. C Also pinkish white parts (5YR8/2, dry). The horizon has an appearance of weathered calcrete rock with granitic matrix; very hard (dry) but in some parts soft.