Reference soil Botswana 05: Solonetz


Solonetzes occur where a sodium source supplies the clay-rich subsoil with exchangeable Na, causing peptization of clay and organic substances and deterioration of the topsoil.


Soils having a natric horizon (a subsurface horizon with distinct higher clay content than the overlying horizon and more than 15% exchangeable sodium) within 100 cm from the soil surface.

Distribution of Solonetz (rough estimation supplied by soilgrids)


Reference soil BW005: Solonetz

VEGETATION: Acacia karroo, A.Nilotica, Dichrostachys cenerea MORPHOLOGY: B2g 91-127 also few small prominent bluish black mottles B3 few yellowish and greyish mottling C strongly decomposed granite rock of sandy clay texture with prominent small dark bluish mottles BRIEF PROFILE DESCRIPTION: A deep, poorly drained, alkaline gley soil of a fine texture and with moderate coarse columnar structure from 43-69 cm (B2g); horizonation is clear to gradual, strongly decomposed granite is encountered at 158.



WRB 2006WRB 1998
Stagnic-Mollic-Vertic- SolonetzMolli-Vertic- Solonetz (Stagnic)
0-43 cmmollic horizon
69-127 cmnatric horizon
91-127 cmvertic horizon
43-91stagnic colour pattern
69-127reducing conditions
0-43 cmmollic horizon
69-127 cmnitic horizon
91-127 cmvertic horizon
Molli-Stagnic SolonetzGleyic Solonetz
0-43 cmmollic A horizon
69-127 cmnatric B horizon
0-43 cmmollic A horizon
69-158 cmnatric B horizon