Reference soil Brazil 16: Phaeozem


Phaeozems occur all over the world, but especially on the more moist side of the steppe regions, bordering Chernozems.


Soils having a mollic horizon (deep, brownish or blackish surface horizon with a significant accumulation of organic matter and high base saturation); a base saturation of 50 percent or more between 25 and 100 cm from the soil surface; a calcium carbonate-free soil matrix at least to a depth of 100 cm from the soil surface, or to a contrasting layer between 25 and 100 cm; no diagnostic horizons other than an albic, argic, cambic or vertic horizon, or a petrocalcic horizon in the substratum.

Distribution of Phaeozems (rough estimation supplied by soilgrids)


Reference soil BR016: Phaeozems

Brief field description: Deep, well drained, dark brown sandy clay loam derived from basic gneiss with a well developed thick A-horizon. A few pieces of bricks/potshells are found in the A-horizons. The colour in BC and C-horizon is an approximation because of multi-coloured minerals. A banded gneiss structure is present in the C1 and C2 horizon. Pore size is very fine to fine. Physiography:* The demi-orange relief is known as "meia-laranja". Original vegetation: deciduous forest. Slides:no 9911-9805



WRB 2006WRB 1998
Luvic- Phaeozem (Pachic)Pachi-Luvic- Phaeozem
0-58 cmmollic horizon
58-82 cmargic horizon
0-58 cmmollic horizon
58-82 cmargic horizon
Pachi-Luvic PhaeozemLuvic Phaeozem
0-58 cmmollic A horizon
58-82 cmargic B horizon
0-58 cmmollic A horizon
58-82 cmargillic B horizon


Local classification:Brunizem Avermelhado