Reference soil Brazil 22: Solonetz
Solonetzes occur where a sodium source supplies the clay-rich subsoil with exchangeable Na, causing peptization of clay and organic substances and deterioration of the topsoil.
Soils having a natric horizon (a subsurface horizon with distinct higher clay content than the overlying horizon and more than 15% exchangeable sodium) within 100 cm from the soil surface.
Reference soil BR022: Solonetz
Moderately deep; imperfectly drained, sandy clay derived from gneiss; abruptly overlain by a sandy topsoil. The transition of E to B horizon is tongued. The columns of the B-horizon have prominent rounded tops, which are locally called "cabeca de gato" (literally: "cat head"). Classification: the abrupt textural change (duplex) from sandy topsoil to sandy clay subsoil consisting of rounded columnar structure are pointing to a "solodized solonetz". Boa Vista has a slightly higher rainfall than Cabeceiras. The annual precipitation of Boa Vista=370mm, the annual precipitation of Cabaceiras=217mm (1931-1960). The soil moisture regime is ustic to aridic. Slides no 9834-9854.