Reference soil Brazil 23: Acrisol
Acrisols occur dominantly in the wetter parts of the tropics and subtropics and the warm temperate regions in relatively young landscapes.
Soils having an argic horizon (a subsurface horizon with distinct higher clay content than the overlying horizon), which has a cation exchange capacity of less than 24 cmolc per kg in some part, either starting within 100 cm from the soil surface, or within 200 cm from the soil surface if the argic horizon is overlain by loamy sand or coarser textures throughout. They have a base saturation (total amount of Ca, Mg, K and Na with respect to the cation exchange capacity) of less than 50 percent in the major part between 25 and 100 cm from the soil surface
Reference soil BR023: Acrisols
Moderately deep, imperfectly drained clay derived from conglomerate with a strongly mottled subsoil. The Bg1 and Bg2 horizons are multicoloured, no real matrix colour can be given. The CB horizon consisting of highly weathered conglomerate shows different texture types from sandy to clayey materials. Climate: registration period precipitation 1931-1970 *) Geomorphology: a characteristic 'demi-orange' relief ('meia laranja'). Steep hills with flat valley floor. Additional information in: thesis I.A.Gomes July 1985 Piracicaba S.Paula/Brasil. Slides no 9855-9862 *) Brazilian classification: Podzolico Vermelho-Amearelo alico Tb.