Reference soil China 26: Cambisol

Cambisols occur mainly in the temperate and boreal regions of the world, where the soil’s parent material is still young or where low temperatures slow down the processes of soil formation. Characteristics Soils having either a cambic horizon (a horizon showing evidence of alteration with respect to the underlying material), or a mollic horizon overlying a subsoil, which has a base saturation of less than 50 percent in some part within 100 cm from the soil surface, or one of the following diagnostic horizons within the specified depth: an andic, vertic, or vitric horizon starting between 25 and 100 cm; a (petro-)plinthic or salic horizon starting between 50 and 100 cm, in absence of loamy sand or coarser textures above these horizons.
Distribution of Cambisols

Reference soil CN026: Cambisol

PROFILE DESCRIPTION: Moderately deep, well drained, brown slightly stony loam derived from granite. The dark (yellowish) brown topsoil is high to very high in organic carbon and has a moderately developed crumb structure. The subsoil is only weakly structured. Base saturation is very low and the soil reaction is strongly acid throughout. SLOPE PROCESSES: extremely heavy rainfall in June 1992 (about 1000 mm in 10 days) provoked several landslides in this physiographic unit / SOIL DEPTH: profile is located on the somewhat less steeper upper part of the V-shaped valley slope, hence soils are expected to be somewhat deeper than elsewhere. Lower on the slope the soils are shallower. The summit of the range has many outcrops. Slide nos. of the ISRIC collection: 13897-13904 (landscape, profile, profile details, vegetation).


WRB 2006:

WRB 1998:

Endoleptic Cambisol(Alumic Humic Skeletic)
Ferrali- Endoleptic Cambisol(Hyperdystric)
10-35 cm cambic horizon
property continuous rock
0-10 cm ochric horizon
10-35 cm cambic horizon
property continuous hard rock



Humi- Dystric Cambisol lithic phase
Dystric Cambisol
0-10 cm ochric A horizon
10-35 cm cambic B horizon
property continuous hard rock
property strongly humic
0-10 cm ochric A horizon
10-80 cm cambic B horizon

Other classification

USDA-SCS (1975)

Dystrochrept coarse-loamy mixed mesic

Classification (other)

Para-yellow soil; Acidi-Udic Cambosol
Common name Acid brown earth

Yanshan, Wuyi Mountains Natural Reserve