Ah 0-10 cm | dark brown (10YR 3/3, moist), sandy clay loam slightly stony leaves slightly, moderate medium crumb, very fine slightly sticky slightly plastic, many fine continuous exped and inped vesicular random pores and common continuous exped vesicular random pores highly porous (>60 vol%), very few medium gravel weathered granite fragments, frequent pedotubules, clear wavy boundary to, |
B 10-35 cm | dark yellowish brown (10YR 4/6, moist), loam slightly stony, weak to moderate medium subangular blocky, very friable sticky plastic, common fine continuous exped and inped vesicular random pores and few continuous exped vesicular random pores moderately porous (40-60 vol%), few medium gravel strongly weathered granite few coarse gravel strongly weathered granite fragments, frequent pedotubules, gradual irregular boundary to, |
BC 35-80 cm | brown (7.5YR 5/4, moist), loam, very weak medium subangular blocky, very friable sticky plastic, common fine continuous exped and inped vesicular random pores moderately porous (40-60 vol%), dominant coarse gravel and stones strongly weathered granite fragments, few pedotubules, abrupt smooth boundary to, |
R 80-100 cm | dominant coarse gravel and stones strongly weathered rotten granite fragments. |