Reference soil China 34: Cambisol


Cambisols occur mainly in the temperate and boreal regions of the world, where the soil’s parent material is still young or where low temperatures slow down the processes of soil formation.


Soils having either a cambic horizon (a horizon showing evidence of alteration with respect to the underlying material), or a mollic horizon overlying a subsoil, which has a base saturation of less than 50 percent in some part within 100 cm from the soil surface, or one of the following diagnostic horizons within the specified depth: an andic, vertic, or vitric horizon starting between 25 and 100 cm; a (petro-)plinthic or salic horizon starting between 50 and 100 cm, in absence of loamy sand or coarser textures above these horizons.

Distribution of Cambisols (rough estimation supplied by soilgrids)


Reference soil CN034: Cambisols

PROFILE DESCRIPTION : Deep, well drained, (dark) reddish brown silt loam derived from slope wash materials overlying at 65 cm depth a truncated soil developed in loess deposits. The topsoil has very weakly developed crumb structures and a plough pan can be observed. Its organic carbon content is low. The subsoil dominantly shows prismatic and angular blocky structures. Soil reaction is slightly alkaline to alkaline and some calcium carbonate is present. PARENT MATERIAL: profile consists of a characteristic deposit of ca 100 y old colluvia on top of the truncated loess / HYDROLOGY: run off is zero for less important showers due to small ridges perpendicular to the slope. Heavy showers may result in important run off. As a consequence aggradation only in combination with heavy showers / LAND USE AND VEGETATION: crops include also sorghum. Original vegetation was cut completely ca 100 years ago. It consisted of broad leave forest / CLIMATE: additional climatic data are available for the weather stations of Jingzhou (41 8 N/121 7 E; altitude 66 m a.s.l.; 65 km SE of site; relevance: moderate) and Jianping Yebaisou (41 23 N/119 42 E; altitude 422 m a. s. l.; 65 km WSW of site; relevance: moderate).



WRB 2006WRB 1998
Haplic- Cambisol (Calcaric Siltic Chromic)Chromi-Calcaric- Cambisol
15-150 cmcambic horizon
0-15 cmochric horizon
15-150 cmcambic horizon
Silti-Chromic CambisolChromic Cambisol
0-15 cmochric A horizon
- cmcambic B horizon
- cmochric A horizon
0-15 cmochric A horizon
15-100 cmcambic B horizon


Local classification:Haplic cinnamon soil; Hapli-Ustic Cambosol
Common name:Limy brown earth