Reference soil China 37: Luvisol


Luvisols occur mainly in temperate regions, particularly in areas with a Mediterranean-type of climate.


Soils having an argic horizon (a subsurface horizon with a distinct higher clay content than the overlying horizon) with a cation exchange capacity equal to or more than 24 cmolc per kg clay throughout.

Distribution of Luvisols (rough estimation supplied by soilgrids)


Reference soil CN037: Luvisols

PROFILE DESCRIPTION : Very deep, imperfectly to moderately well drained, brown to light yellowish brown clay loam derived from loess. The soil shows, apart from the obvious clay-sesquioxide cutans in the Bt1 (and to a lesser extent in the Bt2), important whitish quartz silt coatings on pedfaces, especially visible when the soil is dry. The Bt2 and Btg horizons show distinct pressure faces/slickensides. Very few earthworms occur down to 75 cm. Organic carbon content is very high and the soil reaction is acid throughout. PARENT MATERIAL: below the parent material (loess) basaltic material is present at several meters depth / MOISTURE CONDITIONS: as a consequence of rains the profile was nearly saturated with water at the moment of description and sampling / VEGETATION: vegetation at the site of sampling can be described as follows: virgin forest of Korea pine / broadleaved species mixed forest. Main species: Korean pine (Pinus koreaensis), Amur linden (Tilia amuriensis), painted mono maple (Acer mono), Manchurian ash, white elm (Ulmus sp.) and Mongolian wallnut, with locally birch (Betula ermanii) and Mongolian oak (Quercus mongolica) / CLIMATE: extensive climatic data are also available for Fusongdonggang (some 55 km SW; N 42 06', E 127 34', altitude 774 m a.s.l.). These data have moderate relevance for the profile.



WRB 2006WRB 1998
Albic-Cutanic- Luvisol (Greyic Profondic Siltic)Profondi-Albic- Luvisol (Cutanic)
17-35 cmalbic horizon
35-152 cmargic horizon
17-35 cmalbic horizon
2-17 cmochric horizon
35-152 cmargic horizon
Hypoglossi-Albic LuvisolAlbic Luvisol
17-35 cmalbic E horizon
2-17 cmochric A horizon
35-152 cmargic B horizon
- cmargic B horizon
- cmalbic E horizon
- cmochric A horizon
17-35 cmalbic E horizon
2-17 cmochric A horizon
35-152 cmargillic B horizon


Local classification:Haplic dark brown soil; Albi-Boric Argosol