Ap 0-20 cm |
brown (10YR 5/3, moist), clay loam, moderate medium prismatic to strong medium angular blocky, friable slightly sticky slightly plastic, no cutans, common fine pores moderately porous (40-60 vol%), no inclusions, no fragments, frequent channels, clear smooth boundary to, |
B 20-43 cm |
light olive brown (2.5Y 5/4, moist), clay loam, strong medium and coarse prismatic and moderate medium columnar, firm slightly sticky slightly plastic, no cutans, common fine pores moderately porous (40-60 vol%), no inclusions, no fragments, gradual smooth boundary to, |
BC 43-85 cm |
(10Y 6/3, moist), clay loam, moderate fine and medium prismatic and moderate medium columnar, very firm sticky plastic, no cutans, few medium pores moderately porous (40-60 vol%), no inclusions, no fragments, continuous massive strongly cemented salt pan pans, gradual wavy boundary to, |
Cg1 85-120 cm |
(10Y 6/3, moist), clay loam, moderate medium columnar, firm sticky slightly plastic, no cutans, few medium pores moderately porous (40-60 vol%), very frequent medium spherical soft calcareous nodules, no fragments, clear smooth boundary to, |
Cg2 120-180 cm |
undescribed colour (10Y 6/4, moist), loam, massive, friable non sticky non plastic, no cutans, few medium pores moderately porous (40-60 vol%), very frequent medium spherical soft calcareous nodules, no fragments, |