Reference soil Cuba 15: Solonchak


Solonchaks occur where saline groundwater comes near to the surface, or where through evapo(transpi)ration salts from the soil water accumulate in the soil, e.g. in desert regions


Soils having a salic horizon (horizon with accumulation of salts more soluble than gypsum) within 50 cm of the soil surface. They have no diagnostic horizons other than a histic, mollic, ochric, takyric, yermic, calcic, cambic, duric, gypsic or vertic horizon.

Distribution of Solonchaks

Moderately deep, imperfectly drained, brown to light olive brown clay loam. Soil structure moderate angular blocky and medium prismatic to columnar. There are frequent calcareous nodules in the subsoil. Geology: Eogene mid-higher. San Luis Formation: limestone, marls, conglomerate, sandstones. Geomorphology: marine plain and terrace, erosive and undulating.

WRB 2006:

WRB 1998:

Calcic Endogleyic Petrosalic Solonchak(Sodic Carbonatic Clayic)
Sodi- Endogleyic Solonchak(Calcic Petrosalic)
20-85 cm salic horizon
  gleyic colour pattern
  reducing conditions
  secondary carbonates
0-20 cm ochric horizon
20-85 cm salic horizon
  gleyic properties
  secondary carbonates



Sodi- Calcic Solonchak
Orthic Solonchak sodic phase
0-0 cm cambic B horizon
0-0 cm ochric A horizon
0-20 cm ochric A horizon
20-85 cm cambic B horizon
  salic properties
  soft powdery lime
0-0 cm calcic horizon
0-20 cm ochric A horizon
20-85 cm cambic B horizon
  high salinity
  soft powdery lime

Other classification

USDA-NRCS (1999)

Aeric Halaquept

USDA-SCS (1975)

Aeric Halaquept clayey montmorillonitic (calcareous) isohyperthermic

Classification (other)

Solonchak tipico

Provincia y Municipio Guantánamo, CAI "Paraguay", Bloque El Algarrobo