Reference soil Ecuador 09: Andosol
Andosols occur throughout the world where volcanic activity is common, especially in the circum-Pacific region and along the mid-Atlantic Ridge.
Soils with a vitric or andic horizon (slightly to moderately weathered horizons in pyroclastic deposits dominated by short-range-order minerals, notably allophane and imogolite) starting within 25 cm from the soil surface. In addition, they may have a histic, fulvic, melanic, mollic, umbric, ochric, duric, or cambic horizon. Other diagnostic horizons (unless buried deeper than 50 cm by volcanic deposits) are absent.
Reference soil EC009: Andosols
EC02 is comparable to profile Ecuador No.5 in: part III-tourguide for Ecuador of the sixth international soil classification workshop (1984). The soil was redescribed and resampled by G.del Posso in May 1987, additionally two soil monoliths were taken. Down to a depth of 110cm medium and coarse decayed roots are present. The A horizon includes also the 10YR2/1 colour. About 1% fragments of brick and artifacts are present in the first half metre. Twenty years ago the area was frequently flooded by the rio Blanco (and rio Quininde), now the area is protected against flooding.