Reference soil France 07: Planosol


Planosols occur in level landscapes throughout the world often associated with broad river valleys.


Soils having an eluvial horizon, the lower boundary of which is marked. within 100 cm from the soil surface, by an abrupt textural change associated with stagnic properties above that boundary. The feature of albeluvic tonguing, however, is lacking.

Distribution of Planosols (rough estimation supplied by soilgrids)


Reference soil FR007: Planosols

PARENT MATERIAL: Sand and clay (Pliocene-Miocene) over Siliceous limestone ("sables de Lozère sur argiles à meulière du Chattien"). ADDITIONAL NOTES ON PROFILE DESCRIPTION: O - litter consisting of remains of preceeding year; moder-like humus. E - with patches of Ah. BEg - concretions and cutans: black, appear to consist of the same matter. Bg - concretions and cutans: black, appear to consist of the same matter. - patches of light grey (2.5Y 7/2) loam, with bleached sandgrains, most abundant in lowest part of horizon. Btg1 - cutans: ferri-argillans. - roots: along coatings of white clay. Btg2 - cutans: ferri-argillans. - coatings of white clay with fine plant roots. BCg - colour: few red (2.5YR 5/8) spots. - cutans: ferri-argillans. - with sand of quartz and debris of sandstone; some clay coatings.



WRB 2006WRB 1998
Luvic- Planosol (Albic Manganiferric Epidystric)Albi-Luvic- Planosol (Ferric Epidystric)
27-120 cmargic horizon
7-27 cmalbic horizon
-stagnic colour pattern
-reducing conditions
-abrupt textural change
27-120 cmargic horizon
2-7 cmochric horizon
7-27 cmalbic horizon
-abrupt textural change
Epidystri-Eutric PlanosolEutric Planosol
27-120 cmargic B horizon
2-7 cmochric A horizon
7-27 cmalbic E horizon
-abrupt textural change
27-120 cmargillic B horizon
2-7 cmochric A horizon
7-27 cmalbic E horizon


Local classification:Sol lessivé à pseudogley