Reference soil Gabon 01: Ferralsol
Ferralsols occur in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, mainly on old and stable land surfaces.
Soils having a ferralic horizon (strongly weathered horizon with low-activity clays and very low amounts of weatherable minerals) between 25 and 200 cm from the soil surface. They lack a nitic horizon (a horizon with strongly developed, nut-shaped structure) and do not have a layer which fulfils the requirements of an argic horizon and which has, in the upper 30 cm, 10 percent or more water-dispersible clay.
Reference soil GA001: Ferralsols
A deep rooting (>180 cm) soil with many fine pores, derived from precambrian metamorphites (Leptynite); mineralogical features: kaolinite and goethite. Site situated in primary tropical forest with irregular forest floor and high biological activities (termites, earthworms, insects) and a thin (5mm) layer of decomposing litter. In the lower parts of the profile iron concretions appear; additional climate data: insolation (h).