Reference soil Germany 01: Luvisol


Luvisols occur mainly in temperate regions, particularly in areas with a Mediterranean-type of climate.


Soils having an argic horizon (a subsurface horizon with a distinct higher clay content than the overlying horizon) with a cation exchange capacity equal to or more than 24 cmolc per kg clay throughout.

Distribution of Luvisols (rough estimation supplied by soilgrids)


Reference soil DE001: Luvisols

A gray brown podzolic soil (?) with occasional pebbles throughout the profile. Strong worm activities can be observed, some channels reaching 180 cm deep. The Ap horizon contains some organic material and an admixture of coal dust (?). The porous E/Bw1 horizons occasionally build tongues that penetrate the Bt. In the BC there are tongues of B material. (additional climatic data: insolation (hrs))



WRB 2006WRB 1998
Cutanic- Luvisol (Siltic)Hapli-Cutanic- Luvisol
0-23 cmochric horizon
40-85 cmargic horizon
Orthi-Haplic LuvisolOrthic Luvisol
0-23 cmochric A horizon
0-23 cmochric A horizon
40-85 cmargillic B horizon


Local classification:Parabraunerde