Reference soil Germany 09: Cambisol
Cambisols occur mainly in the temperate and boreal regions of the world, where the soil’s parent material is still young or where low temperatures slow down the processes of soil formation.
Soils having either a cambic horizon (a horizon showing evidence of alteration with respect to the underlying material), or a mollic horizon overlying a subsoil, which has a base saturation of less than 50 percent in some part within 100 cm from the soil surface, or one of the following diagnostic horizons within the specified depth: an andic, vertic, or vitric horizon starting between 25 and 100 cm; a (petro-)plinthic or salic horizon starting between 50 and 100 cm, in absence of loamy sand or coarser textures above these horizons.
Reference soil DE009: Cambisol
A porous and sandy soil with slight biological activity and low nutrient status, derived from solifluction material of Weichsel glaciation (cherty sand, 110 cm), overlying more clayey glacial sediments, possibly groundmoraine. The surface is covered with an O-layer of coniferous litter, transitional to finely divided organic matter with many roots. Only 25 % of the ground is covered (mosses, Deschampsia flexuosa). There are bleached sand grains in all 3 A horizons. In AB and Bw some large decayed roots appear. (additional climatic data: insolation (hrs))
WRB 2014 | |||
Cambisol |
Local classification: | Rosterde |