Reference soil Greece 12: Haplic Phaeozem

Distribution of Phaeozems (rough estimation supplied by soilgrids)


Reference soil GR012: Haplic Phaeozems

LOCATION: "Papa Vrysi" 600 meters of junction to Panagia Soumela on the road from Veria to Kozani, approximately 25 km SW of Veria. CLIMATE: Mediterranean transitional to continental. Rainfall is, more or less, evenly distributed throughout the year with the exception of August and September. VEGETATION AND LAND USE: Dominant tree specie: Fagus sylvatica. Dominant fern specie: Pteris aquilina. ADDITIONAL NOTES ON PROFILE DESCRIPTION: O2 - also some mineral material.



FAO-UNESCO-ISRIC 1974Haplic Phaeozem


Local classification:Brown forest soil