Reference soil Greenland 02: Histosol


Large areas of Histosols are found in the circumpolar region of the northern hemisphere, as well as in Southeast Asia. Histosols are formed in 'organic material' with physical, chemical and mechanical properties that differ strongly from those of mineral soil materials. Organic soil material accumaulates in conditions where plant matter is produced by a climax vegetation and where decomposition is slow.


Soils having a histic or folic horizon (wet or dry organic horizons, respectively) either 10 cm or more thick if overlying a lithic or paralithic contact, or 40 cm or more thick and starting within 30 cm from the soil surface. Histosols do not have an andic or vitric horizon that starts within 30 cm from the soil surface.

Distribution of Histosols (rough estimation supplied by soilgrids)


Reference soil GL002: Histosols

PARENT MATERIAL: peat overlying hyperstene-granite. LAND USE: Carex bigelowii grass heath with Sphagnum spp, Carex rariflora, Polygonum viviparum, Salix herbacea and Campanula gieseckiana. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROFILE: A dark brown to light brown surface layer of stratified sphagnum peat with intact plant remains overlies at 23 cm depth partly decomposed very dark brown peat mixed with mineral particles which shows faint stratification due to transport of the soil material



WRB 2006WRB 1998
Rheic-Fibric- Histosol (Dystric)Rhei-Fibric- Histosol (Dystric)
Dystri-Fibric HistosolDystric Histosol
0-40 cmhistic H horizon
- cmhistic H horizon
0-40 cmhistic H horizon