Reference soil Indonesia 16: Regosol

Distribution of Regosols

A1 - also many very fine and few coarse roots. B1 - also few medium roots. C1 - also few medium roots. C2 - also few medium roots. C3 - also few medium roots. REFERENCES: - Sastrapradja, D., Soemodihardjo, S., Soemartadipura, A., Soegiarto, A., Adisoemarto, S., Kusumadinata, K., Birowo, S., Riswan, S. & Lapian, A.B. (eds.), 1985. Proceedings of the Symposium on 100 Years Development of Krakatau and Its Surroundings, Jakarta, 23-27 August 1983. Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (Indonesian Institute of Sciences), Jakarta.

WRB 2006:

Haplic Regosol(Tephric Hyposodic Siltic)  
  tephric material



Orthi- Eutric Regosol
Eutric Regosol
0-12 cm ochric A horizon
0-12 cm ochric A horizon

Other classification

Classification (other)

Deep, somewhat excessive drained soil with yellowish brown colours and very high cation exchange capacity and base saturation. The soil developed in volcanic ash layers with textures ranging from gravelly coarse sand to silt loam. The topsoil

Rakata Island, between Java and Sumatra