Reference soil Indonesia 47: Acrisol

Distribution of Acrisols

secondary forest developed after original Dipterocarp forest has been burned during forest fires of 1982/1983. Several original species still present.

Soil aggradation: accumulation of material behind roots and big trees.

Climate: see also data for Balikpapan.

Additional notes on profile description: A/E - also colour 10YR6/6

WRB 2006:

Cutanic Acrisol(Albic Alumic Hyperdystric)  
3-40 cm albic horizon
40-145 cm argic horizon



Albi- Haplic Acrisol
Ferric Acrisol
0-18 cm ochric A horizon
3-40 cm albic E horizon
40-145 cm argic B horizon
0-18 cm ochric A horizon
3-40 cm albic E horizon
40-145 cm argillic B horizon
  ferric properties

Other classification

Classification (other)

Deep, well drained, reddish yellow sandy clay, with a brownish yellow sandy loam eluviation horizon from a depth of 18 to 40 cm. The topsoil is a dark yellowish brown sandy loam. The B-horizon shows continuous thick clay cutans.

East Kalimantan, Sambodja,Wanariset, 2km on and 80m S of road to Semoi