Ah 0-1 cm |
very dark brown (10YR 2/2, moist); silt loam weak fine/thin granular ; very friable non-sticky non-plastic ; many high (15-40%) pores; many coarse many fine many medium many very fine roots; none (0%) ; channels fine (0.5-2 mm) pans; many ; non-calcareous (0%) ; abrupt (0-2 cm) smooth; nearly plane surface boundary to |
A(h);E(l) 1-14 cm |
yellowish brown (10YR 5/6, moist); moderate coarse / thick subangular blocky ; very friable slightly sticky slightly plastic ; few (2-5%) faint pale brown fine (2-6 mm) mottles; few medium (5-15%) pores; common fine roots; none (0%) ; channels fine (0.5-2 mm) pans; many ; non-calcareous (0%) 4.5 ; gradual (5-15 cm) smooth; nearly plane surface boundary to |
A(h);E(l) 1-14 cm |
yellowish brown (10YR 5/6, moist); moderate coarse / thick subangular blocky ; very friable slightly sticky slightly plastic ; few (2-5%) faint pale brown fine (2-6 mm) mottles; few medium (5-15%) pores; common fine roots; none (0%) ; channels fine (0.5-2 mm) pans; many ; non-calcareous (0%) 4.5 ; gradual (5-15 cm) smooth; nearly plane surface boundary to |
Btl 14-40 cm |
brownish yellow (10YR 6/8, moist); silty clay weak coarse / thick angular blocky ; friable slightly sticky plastic ; continuous common prominent clay and sesquioxides cutans; common (5-15%) distinct pale brown common (5-15%) distinct strong brown fine (2-6 mm) mottles; common low (2-5%) pores; few fine few very fine roots; common red iron–manganese (sesquioxides) both hard and soft nodule ; none (0%) ; planes very coarse (20-50 mm) pans; common ; non-calcareous (0%) 4.5 ; clear (2-5 cm) wavy; pockets less deep than wide boundary to |
Btl 14-40 cm |
brownish yellow (10YR 6/8, moist); silty clay weak coarse / thick angular blocky ; friable slightly sticky plastic ; continuous common prominent clay and sesquioxides cutans; common (5-15%) distinct pale brown common (5-15%) distinct strong brown fine (2-6 mm) mottles; common low (2-5%) pores; few fine few very fine roots; common red iron–manganese (sesquioxides) both hard and soft nodule ; none (0%) ; planes very coarse (20-50 mm) pans; common ; non-calcareous (0%) 4.5 ; clear (2-5 cm) wavy; pockets less deep than wide boundary to |
Bvm 40-58 cm |
brownish yellow (10YR 6/8, moist); clay weak coarse / thick angular blocky ; friable sticky plastic ; continuous common prominent clay and sesquioxides cutans; distinct red coarse (> 20 mm) mottles; common low (2-5%) pores; common red iron–manganese (sesquioxides) both hard and soft soft concretion ; none (0%) ; planes very coarse (20-50 mm) pans; common ; non-calcareous (0%) ; clear (2-5 cm) wavy; pockets less deep than wide boundary to |
Btv 58-70 cm |
brownish yellow (10YR 6/8, moist); clay weak very coarse / thick angular blocky ; friable sticky plastic ; continuous common prominent clay and sesquioxides cutans; few (2-5%) distinct light grey common (5-15%) distinct red fine (2-6 mm) mottles; few low (2-5%) pores; abundant red fine (2–6 mm) iron (ferruginous) hard residual rock fragment ; none (0%) ; channels fine (0.5-2 mm) pans; few ; non-calcareous (0%) ; clear (2-5 cm) wavy; pockets less deep than wide boundary to |
CB 70-92 cm |
brownish yellow (10YR 6/8, moist); clay weak very coarse / thick angular blocky ; friable slightly sticky slightly plastic ; abundant (> 40%) prominent dark red common (5-15%) prominent white coarse (> 20 mm) mottles; few low (2-5%) pores; abundant yellowish red fine (2–6 mm) clay (argillaceous) both hard and soft residual rock fragment ; many (15-40%) strongly weathered fine artefacts (2-6 mm) ; channels fine (0.5-2 mm) pans; few ; non-calcareous (0%) ; gradual (5-15 cm) irregular; pockets more deep than wide boundary to |
C 92-160 cm |
red (2.5YR 5/8, moist); strong very coarse / thick platy ; extremely firm non-sticky non-plastic ; prominent coarse (> 20 mm) mottles; very low (< 2%) pores; dominant yellowish red fine (2–6 mm) clay (argillaceous) hard residual rock fragment ; dominant (> 80%) weathered fine artefacts (2-6 mm) ; none ; non-calcareous (0%) ; |