Ah 0-10 cm |
light brownish grey (10YR 6/2, dry)loam gravelly,moderate fine granular,many fine pores and many pores moderately porous (40-60 vol%),many roots,many medium and coarse gravel weathered limestone, granite and sandstone fragments,frequent pedotubules,clear smooth boundary to, |
E 10-20 cm |
light brownish grey (10YR 6/2, dry)loam gravelly,moderate fine subangular blocky,many fine pores and many pores moderately porous (40-60 vol%),common roots,many medium and coarse gravel weathered fragments,frequent pedotubules,clear smooth boundary to, |
Btg1 20-35 cm |
light grey (10YR 7/2, dry)sandy loam gravelly,weak fine and medium subangular blocky,many fine pores and common pores moderately porous (40-60 vol%),few roots,many medium and coarse gravel weathered fragments,few pedotubules,clear wavy boundary to, |
Btg2 35-60 cm |
light yellowish brown (10YR 6/4, dry)loam gravelly,weak medium prismatic parting to moderate fine and medium subangular blocky,broken moderately thick clay and sesquioxide on pedfaces cutans,common fine pores and few pores moderately porous (40-60 vol%),few roots,many medium and coarse gravel weathered fragments,few pedotubules,clear wavy boundary to, |
BCg 60-100 cm |
light grey (10YR 7/2, dry)loam gravelly,porous massive,few fine pores and few pores moderately porous (40-60 vol%),few roots,many medium and coarse gravel weathered fragments,few pedotubules, |