Reference soil Italy 02: Orthic Acrisol

Distribution of Acrisols (rough estimation supplied by soilgrids)


Reference soil IT002: Orthic Acrisols

Short field description: A very deep, well drained, dark brown loamy soil; The structure is best developed in the A and IIB2t-horizon, roots are mainly confined to the topsoil. The pH is neutral in the A and B1, and becomes strongly acid, deeper in the solum. * The efffective soils depth is more than 1.5m.; no evidence of groundwater is found within 2.5m. Soils of this nature are encountered on fairly high topographic positions and are often associated with pediplains. The extent and precize distribution pattern are not known at present.



FAO-UNESCO-ISRIC 1974Orthic Acrisol


Local classification:Reddish brown soil