Ah1 0-5 cm |
dark reddish brown (5YR 3/4, moist)clay,moderate very fine and fine granular,friable sticky plastic,many very fine fine continuous exped interstitial pores,very few fine gravel weathered limestone fragments,few worm channels,abrupt smooth boundary to, |
Ah2 5-15 cm |
dark reddish brown (5YR 3/4, moist)clay,moderate fine subangular blocky,very friable sticky plastic,patchy thin clay and humus on pedfaces cutans,very fine medium very fine continuous exped tubular random pores and common discontinuous inped tubular random pores,few small spherical soft manganiferous nodules,few fine gravel weathered limestone very few pottery fragments,few pedotubules,clear smooth boundary to, |
Bw1 15-40 cm |
dark reddish brown (5YR 3/4, moist)clay,moderate medium subangular blocky,friable sticky plastic,patchy thin clay and sesquioxide on vertical pedfaces cutans,common fine very fine discontinuous inped tubular random pores and few discontinuous exped and inped tubular random pores,medium small spherical soft ferruginous nodules manganiferous,frequent medium gravel weathered limestone few pott./charcoal fragments,few pedotubules,clear smooth boundary to, |
2Bw2 40-90 cm |
dark reddish brown (5YR 3/3, moist)clay,moderate to strong fine subangular blocky and moderate to strong medium subangular blocky,friable sticky plastic,patchy thin clay and sesquioxide on pedfaces cutans,few medium discontinuous exped and inped tubular random pores,few small spherical soft ferruginous nodules manganiferous,frequent medium gravel weathered limestone few pott./charcoal fragments,few pedotubules,clear smooth boundary to, |
2Bw3 90-105 cm |
dark reddish brown (5YR 3/3, moist)clay,moderate to strong fine angular blocky and moderate to strong medium angular blocky,firm sticky plastic,few medium prominent sharp mottles (2.5YR 4/8),continuous pressure cutans,few very fine discontinuous inped tubular random pores,few small spherical soft ferruginous nodules manganiferous,frequent fine gravel weathered limestone frequent coarse gravel weathered limestone fragments,few pedotubules,clear smooth boundary to, |
3Bw4 105-130 cm |
(2.5YR 3/3, moist)clay,weak very coarse wedge-shaped angular blocky parting to moderate MF angular blocky,firm sticky plastic,common medium distinct clear mottles (2.5YR 4/6),continuous pressure cutans,very fine fine medium discontinuous inped tubular random pores,very few small spherical soft ferruginous nodules manganiferous,few medium gravel weathered limestone few pott./charcoal fragments, |