Reference soil Italy 14: Nitisol


Nitisols occur mainly in the tropics and subtropics, as well as in areas with a Mediterranean type of climate. They are associated with basic rocks (e.g. basalts) or hard limestone or dolomite deposits.


Soils having a nitic horizon (a horizon with pronounced nut-shaped soil structure and significant amount of active iron) within 100 cm from the soil surface, and gradual to diffuse horizon boundaries between the surface and the underlying horizons. They do not have a ferric, plinthic or vertic horizon within 100 cm from the soil surface.

Distribution of Nitisols (rough estimation supplied by soilgrids)


Reference soil IT014: Nitisols

Dark reddish brown to reddish brown, deep, clayey soil developed in residual material derived from limestone weathering. In the upper part of the soil admixture with volcanic minerals is observed; few animal burrows are found. Dark clay-iron cutans occur on some pedfaces and along pores. From 1.20m downwards distinct vertic properties (intersecting slickensides) increase, while from 2m downwards distinct iron-manganese mottling occurs. At the transition to the underlying limestone a thin layer of secondary calcium carbonate precipitates have been frequently observed in similar soils near the site. HUMAN INFLUENCE: extensive cattle grazing; area was deforested at the end of World War II. ROCK OUTCROPS: none at site, but bedrock is locally exposed in gullies. PROFILE DESCRIPTION: 2Bt(g): also red (10R 4/8) mottles. REFERENCES: See profilenumber IT009 (I9). Profile comparable with profilenumber Sp/122 (Spaargaren, 1979).



WRB 2014 
Dystri-Haplic NitisolDystric Nitosol
- cmargic B horizon
- cmochric A horizon
- cmargillic B horizon
- cmochric A horizon


Local classification:Suolo rosso mediterraneo