Oi 0-9 cm | leaves slightlyhighly porous (>60 vol%), |
Oe1 9-23 cm | very dark brown (7.5YR 2/2, moist)organic moderately,platy,loose,highly porous (>60 vol%),many very fine and fine roots,clear wavy boundary to, |
Oe2 23-37 cm | organic moderatelygranular,friable,highly porous (>60 vol%),many very fine and fine roots,abrupt smooth boundary to, |
Ah 37-46 cm | dark brown (7.5YR 3/2, moist)clay loam,granular,sticky plastic,moderately porous (40-60 vol%),few very fine and fine roots,frequent weathered andesite fragments,clear smooth boundary to, |
Bh 46-56 cm | very dark greyish brown (10YR 3/2, moist)silt loam slightly stony,subangular blocky,loose,(7.5YR 5/2) and (5YR 5/2),moderately porous (40-60 vol%),few coarse roots,many stones weathered andesite fragments,clear irregular boundary to, |
Bw 56-91 cm | (7.5YR 4/3.5, moist)clay loam gravelly,fine subangular blocky,many pores highly porous (>60 vol%),few roots,clear irregular boundary to, |
Bw 56-91 cm | sandy clay loam gravelly |