Reference soil Kenya 03: Planosol


Planosols occur in level landscapes throughout the world often associated with broad river valleys.


Soils having an eluvial horizon, the lower boundary of which is marked. within 100 cm from the soil surface, by an abrupt textural change associated with stagnic properties above that boundary. The feature of albeluvic tonguing, however, is lacking.

Distribution of Planosols (rough estimation supplied by soilgrids)


Reference soil KE003: Planosols

a dark-coloured (10 YR 4/2 dark greyish brown to 10 YR 3/1 very dark grey) soil of volcanic ejecta with many very fine pores in 2 upper horizons, but all in all poorly drained, with a texture changing from silty clay loam to clay in the 4th horizon. The Bcs consists of up to 50 % of ferro-manganese concretions sized 2 to 10 mm and has few clay cutans which increase rapidly with depth.



WRB 2014 
Eutric Planosol sodicSolodic Planosol
- cmalbic E horizon
- cmochric A horizon