Reference soil Kenya 17: Phaeozem

Distribution of Phaeozems

KE 17 is located on the active part of a termite mound and KE 18 is on the slope of the mound. KE 19 is on the plain, where no influence of the mound is noticeable. MICRO RELIEF: termite mounds of 1-2 m high and a diameter of 3-6 m occur at distances 30-50 m. VEGETATION/LAND USE: on the mounds shrubs, between the mounds grass, which is used for extensive grazing. Processes: profiles KE 17, 18 and 19 are associated soils. Termites have throroughly mixed the different horizons as occuring in KE 19, which results in profile KE 17. KE 18 is a transition to KE 19. Additional notes on profile description: - the first horizon from 0 - 160 cm consists of fresh building material; - the third horizon from 300 - 355 cm has mixed colours: 10YR 4/2 and 10YR 8/1 (dry); many gravel; - C: mixed colours: 10YR 5/2 and 5YR 6/4 (moist).

WRB 2006:

WRB 1998:

Vermic Phaeozem(Calcaric Pachic)
Calcari- Pachic Phaeozem(Vermic)
0-160 cm mollic horizon
  calcaric material



Vermi- Calcaric Phaeozem
Calcaric Phaeozem
0-160 cm mollic A horizon
0-160 cm mollic A horizon

Other classification

USDA-SCS (1975)

Ustochrept fine mixed isohyperthermic

Nyanza Province, South Nyanza District, 10 km WSW of Rongo at Opapo