Oi 0-2 cm |
black (10YR 2/1, moist)organic sphagnum slightly decomposed,very few fine gravel weathered tuff fragments,non calcareous,clear smooth boundary to, |
Ah 2-16 cm |
black (10YR 2/1, moist)silty clay slightly gravelly,moderate fine crumb,friable slightly sticky slightly plastic,patchy thin clay and humus cutans throughout,many very fine few and fine and medium pores,many very fine and common fine roots,few krotovinas,non calcareous,clear smooth boundary to, |
Aht 16-39 cm |
black (10YR 2/1, moist)silty clay slightly gravelly,moderate coarse angular blocky and coarse crumb,friable slightly sticky slightly plastic,continuous thin clay and humus cutans throughout,many very fine pores and few fine pores,many very fine and common fine roots,few krotovinas,non calcareous,abrupt smooth boundary to, |
C 39-55 cm |
dark yellowish brown (10YR 3/6, moist)Description sand slightly gravelly,weak very coarse angular blocky parting to granular,very friable non sticky non plastic,patchy thin clay cutans between sand grains,many very fine pores and few fine pores,common very fine and few fine roots,few krotovinas,non calcareous,abrupt wavy boundary to, |
2Atb1 55-58 cm |
dark yellowish brown (10YR 3/6, moist)silty clay,moderate coarse and very coarse angular blocky,friable slightly sticky slightly plastic,continuous thin clay and humus cutans throughout,many very fine pores and few fine pores,many very fine and few fine roots,non calcareous,abrupt wavy boundary to, |
2Atb2 58-64 cm |
yellowish red (5YR 5/8, moist)silty clay,moderate coarse and very coarse angular blocky,friable slightly sticky slightly plastic,continuous thin clay and humus cutans throughout,many very fine pores and few fine pores,non calcareous,abrupt wavy boundary to, |
2Atb3 64-68 cm |
(7.5YR 2/no, moist)silty clay,moderate coarse and very coarse angular blocky,friable slightly sticky slightly plastic,continuous thin clay and humus cutans throughout,many very fine pores and few fine pores,many very fine and few fine roots,non calcareous,abrupt wavy boundary to, |
2ABb 68-118 cm |
dark brown (10YR 3/3, moist)silty clay,moderate very coarse angular blocky,friable slightly sticky slightly plastic,continuous thin clay cutans throughout,many fine pores and few medium pores,few very fine and fine roots,non calcareous,clear wavy boundary to, |
2Bt 118-132 cm |
(dark) brown (7.5YR 4/4, moist)silt slightly stony,moderate very coarse angular blocky,friable slightly sticky slightly plastic,common (5-15%) medium distinct clear mottles 5YR5/8 (yellowish red),patchy thin clay cutans throughout,few fine and many very fine pores,no very fine and few medium roots,non calcareous,clear wavy boundary to, |
2B 132-152 cm |
light olive brown (2.5Y 5/6, moist)silt stony,weak very coarse angular blocky parting to very fine granular,non calcareous, |