Reference soil Kenya 40: Ferralsol
Ferralsols occur in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, mainly on old and stable land surfaces.
Soils having a ferralic horizon (strongly weathered horizon with low-activity clays and very low amounts of weatherable minerals) between 25 and 200 cm from the soil surface. They lack a nitic horizon (a horizon with strongly developed, nut-shaped structure) and do not have a layer which fulfils the requirements of an argic horizon and which has, in the upper 30 cm, 10 percent or more water-dispersible clay.
Reference soil KE040: Ferralsols
Very deep, well drained soil derived from volcanic breccia; with a thick, dark reddish brown clay topsoil over a red subsoil with low activity clays. The soil is used for tea cultivation. The clearence of the forest caused some charcoal mottles and burned bricklike clay gravel in the topsoil. The site is situated at the edge of the forest and the tea gardens. The tea garden is surrounded by broad paths of grass 2 - 4 m width, which are grazed by dairy cattle and goats. Slides: 10,015 - 10,022, showing profile, landscape, and landuse.