Reference soil Kenya 48: Ferralsol


Ferralsols occur in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, mainly on old and stable land surfaces.


Soils having a ferralic horizon (strongly weathered horizon with low-activity clays and very low amounts of weatherable minerals) between 25 and 200 cm from the soil surface. They lack a nitic horizon (a horizon with strongly developed, nut-shaped structure) and do not have a layer which fulfils the requirements of an argic horizon and which has, in the upper 30 cm, 10 percent or more water-dispersible clay.

Distribution of Ferralsols (rough estimation supplied by soilgrids)


Reference soil KE048: Ferralsols

Small ridges with grass are grown along the paths and small terraces are made in the field (width 50cm,height 10 - 20cm) both to prevent erosion. Slides: 10,073 - 10,079.



WRB 2006WRB 1998
Haplic- Ferralsol (Humic Dystric Clayic)Hyperdystri-Humic- Ferralsol
11-50 cmcambic horizon
50-130 cmferralic horizon
Humi-Haplic FerralsolOrthic Ferralsol
0-11 cmochric A horizon
11-50 cmcambic B horizon
50-130 cmferralic B horizon
-strongly humic
0-11 cmochric A horizon
11-50 cmcambic B horizon
50-130 cmoxic B horizon