Reference soil Kenya 67: Kastanozem


Kastanozems occur mainly in the dry parts of the steppe regions of the world. Vast areas are found in central Asia and central USA. Smaller occurrences are reported from the Mediterranean region.


Soils having a mollic horizon (deep, dark coloured surface horizon with a significant accumulation of organic matter and high base saturation) and accumulation of secondary calcium carbonate within 100 cm from the soil surface. They have no diagnostic horizons other than an argic, calcic, cambic, gypsic, or vertic horizon.

Distribution of Kastanozems (rough estimation supplied by soilgrids)


Reference soil KE067: Kastanozems

Location: Kajiado district. Themeda triandra is dominant grass species. Slides: 10,225 - 10,228.



WRB 2006WRB 1998
Luvic-Calcic-Vertic- Kastanozem (Hyposodic Clayic)Luvi-Hypocalcic- Kastanozem (Hyposodic)
15-90 cmargic horizon
-secondary carbonates
Hypocalci-Luvic Kastanozem sodicLuvic Kastanozem sodic
0-35 cmmollic A horizon
15-90 cmargic B horizon
-soft powdery lime
0-35 cmmollic A horizon
15-90 cmargillic B horizon
-soft powdery lime


Local classification:Verti-luvic phaeozem