Reference soil Malaysia 55: Arenosol
Arenosols occur over large areas in Africa, central and western Australia, the Middle East and central China. Smaller areas are found along coastlines all over the world.
Soils with a loamy sand or coarser texture either to a depth of at least 100 cm from the soil surface, or to a (petro-)plinthic or salic horizon between 50 and 100 cm from the soil surface. They contain less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments or other coarse fragments within 100 cm from the soil surface and have no diagnostic horizons other than an ochric, yermic or albic horizon, a (petro-)plinthic or salic horizon below 50 cm from the soil surface, or an argic or spodic horizon below 200 cm below the soil surface.
Reference soil MY055: Arenosol
An immature, somewhat excessively drained, recent alluvial soil, 5o cm above high tide level, gently sloping (2-6 %) landinwards, derived from adamellite (biotite granite and granodiorite), subordinately from greenstones, sandstones and metamorphic rock types. The various depositions are detected through differences in mineralogy, shell content and root distribution: The AC contains shell fragments and pieces of charcoal; the C2 magnetite and ilmenite deposits; the C3 a lot of shell debris in coarse sand fraction, and the C4 some large shell pieces. Only that part of the Siru series not influenced by sea water during king tide can be used for agriculture. Coconut is the only crop well adapted to the special coastal environment. (additional climatic data: days with precipitation > 0,1 mm) * casuarina sumatrana