Reference soil Malaysia 56: Orthic Ferralsol

Distribution of Ferralsols (rough estimation supplied by soilgrids)
Leaflet | ISRIC


Reference soil MY056: Orthic Ferralsols

A deep, well drained red clay lateritic soil with crumbly structure, very friable and very porous, near hill summit in strongly dissected late-Pleistocene plateau. Few fragments of completely weathered basalt appear below 100 cm, consisting dominantly of gibbsite and kaolinite. There is no distinct horizon diferentiation. The soils of the Tarat series are chemically characterized by a high total of phosphate content. Under primary forest topsoils are commonly well supplied with exchangeable nutrients but the soil impoverished rapidly when cultivated. The Tarat series has great agricultural potential, they need to be well fertilized for sustained yield of crops. (additional climatic data: days with precipitation > 0,1 mm)



FAO-UNESCO-ISRIC 1974Orthic Ferralsol
- cmoxic B horizon


Local classification:Tarat series