Reference soil Mali 03: Luvisol


Luvisols occur mainly in temperate regions, particularly in areas with a Mediterranean-type of climate.


Soils having an argic horizon (a subsurface horizon with a distinct higher clay content than the overlying horizon) with a cation exchange capacity equal to or more than 24 cmolc per kg clay throughout.

Distribution of Luvisols (rough estimation supplied by soilgrids)


Reference soil ML003: Luvisols

See also data of unit DA4 in "Mali Land and Water Resources" 1983, PIRT, mapscale 1:500.000 *Sols brun-rouges sub-arides de transition vers les ferrugineux. *Monitoring of vegetation by PIRT period 1980-1986. Landscape: eroded dunes, very weak undulating. Deeper subsoil is imperfectly drained. Geogenesis:probably cover sand over ancient alluvial plain (check with textural analysis and micromorphology). Groundwater in nearby wells at a depth of about 50 meters. No meteo station with reliable data nearby site; precipitation is approximately the average of data from Kogoni(54.2cm) and Niafunke(28,0cm), for other meteo elements the average values of the meteo stations of Segou and Timbuctu should be taken



WRB 2006WRB 1998
Cutanic- Luvisol (Ruptic Hyposodic Hyperochric Arenic)Albi-Arenic- Luvisol (Hyposodic Cutanic)
12-74 cmargic horizon
74-80 cmalbic horizon
80-124 cmargic horizon
Areni-Haplic Luvisol sodicLuvic Xerosol sodic
0-12 cmochric A horizon
12-74 cmargic B horizon
74-80 cmalbic E horizon
0-12 cmochric A horizon
12-74 cmargillic B horizon
74-80 cmalbic E horizon


Local classification:Sol brun-rouge sub-aride de transition vers un sol ferrugineux