Ap 0-15 cm |
dark reddish brown (2.5YR 2.5/4, moist)dark reddish brown (5YR 3/3, dry); silty clay strong medium granular ; hard friable sticky plastic ; none cutans; common medium (5-15%) pores; few very fine roots; very few white rounded (spherical) very fine (< 2 mm) carbonates (calcareous) hard concretion ; fresh or slightly weathered coarse artefacts (> 20 mm) ; vughs very fine (< 0.5 mm) pans; few ; non-calcareous (0%) hard concretions ; clear (2-5 cm) smooth; nearly plane surface boundary to |
B 15-40 cm |
dark reddish brown (2.5YR 2.5/4, moist)dark reddish brown (5YR 3/3, dry); silty clay strong ; hard friable sticky plastic ; discontinuous irregular few faint pedfaces pressure faces cutans; common medium (5-15%) pores; few very fine roots; very few white rounded (spherical) very fine (< 2 mm) carbonates (calcareous) hard concretion ; fresh or slightly weathered coarse artefacts (> 20 mm) ; vughs very fine (< 0.5 mm) pans; few ; non-calcareous (0%) hard concretions ; clear (2-5 cm) wavy; pockets less deep than wide boundary to |
BCk 40-55 cm |
dark reddish brown (2.5YR 3/4, moist)dark reddish brown (2.5YR 3/4, dry); clay ; very hard very firm very sticky very plastic ; few low (2-5%) pores; few very fine roots; abundant white rounded (spherical) medium (6–20 mm) carbonates (calcareous) hard concretion ; interstitial very fine (< 0.5 mm) pans; extremely calcareous (> 25%) hard concretions ; gradual (5-15 cm) irregular; pockets more deep than wide boundary to |
2CB 55-110 cm |
extremely calcareous (> 25%) ; |