Reference soil Mozambique 01: Ferralsol
Ferralsols occur in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, mainly on old and stable land surfaces.
Soils having a ferralic horizon (strongly weathered horizon with low-activity clays and very low amounts of weatherable minerals) between 25 and 200 cm from the soil surface. They lack a nitic horizon (a horizon with strongly developed, nut-shaped structure) and do not have a layer which fulfils the requirements of an argic horizon and which has, in the upper 30 cm, 10 percent or more water-dispersible clay.
Reference soil MZ001: Ferralsols
Short description of the profile: very deep, well drained dark red clay soil; weakly to moderately structured up to 62 cm, than porous massive. Physiography: smooth interfluves and "dambo's", few bare rock inselbergs. local soil name : Katonde (Chinhandje/Chichewa) In the Bws the structure is difficult to describe, no ped is clearly visible, in fact every ped size can be made with a slight force; massive porous-weakly coherent can also be described as very weak, very fine to fine subangular blocky (coffee granules structure). The nodules have the same colour as the soil matrix.They differ from the soil by their coherency and the absence of pores.Their nature is probably clay indurated with iron. Spherical termite holes with flat bottom and a diameter of about 8 cm are visible in the whole soil profile with a density of 1 to 2 per square meter; mainly empty but sometimes filled with fungus combs. Classification, even on high level, of this soil is problematic, due to the occurrence of both an argillic and an oxic horizon.