Reference soil Mozambique 02: Ferralsol


Ferralsols occur in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, mainly on old and stable land surfaces.


Soils having a ferralic horizon (strongly weathered horizon with low-activity clays and very low amounts of weatherable minerals) between 25 and 200 cm from the soil surface. They lack a nitic horizon (a horizon with strongly developed, nut-shaped structure) and do not have a layer which fulfils the requirements of an argic horizon and which has, in the upper 30 cm, 10 percent or more water-dispersible clay.

Distribution of Ferralsols (rough estimation supplied by soilgrids)


Reference soil MZ002: Ferralsols

Brief description of the profile: A very deep, well drained, dark red clay soil, weakly structured up to 58 cm then porous massive, topsoil is weakly developed. Original vegetation: Brachystegia woodland("miombo") - Structure is difficult to describe; every "ped" size can be formed with little force. Clear natural ped surfaces are not present in the subsoil > 58cm. Horizon differentiation is a combined effect of structure and consistency. The subsoil > 58cm can be described in terms of "floury", "coffee granules" etc. -The massive soft, clay nodules with same colour as soil matrix are present from about 100cm and deeper. -A few fine vertical cracks are visible in the profile. -Magnetite is present in the whole profile; weatherable minerals are visible from 200 cm and deeper. -Precence of cutans in deeper subsoil is disputable



WRB 2006WRB 1998
Acric- Ferralsol (Hyperdystric Clayic Rhodic)Hyperdystri-Acric- Ferralsol (Rhodic)
15-180 cmferralic horizon
15-58 cmargic horizon
Rhodi-Haplic AcrisolFerric Acrisol
0-15 cmochric A horizon
15-180 cmferralic B horizon
15-58 cmargic B horizon
0-15 cmochric A horizon
15-58 cmargillic B horizon
58-180 cmoxic B horizon


Local classification:Chicunja