Reference soil Namibia 02: Calcisol


Calcisols occur in regions with distinct dry seasons, as well as in dry areas where carbonate-rich groundwater comes near the surface.


Soils having a (petro-)calcic horizon (horizon with accumulation of secondary calcium carbonates). In addition, they have no diagnostic horizons other than an ochric or cambic horizon, a calcareous argic horizon, or a gypsic horizon beneath a petrocalcic horizon.

Distribution of Calcisols (rough estimation supplied by soilgrids)


Reference soil NA002: Calcisols

BRIEF CHARACTERIZATION OF THE SOIL: A dark reddish brown non-calcareous sandy loam profile with a 10 cm thick, stony layer at 50 cm. Argillic horizon below 20 cm. Strongly weathered amphibolite, impregnated with calcium carbonate below 85 cm. ADDITIONAL NOTES ON PROFILE DESCRIPTION: B - cutans: dark reddish brown. 2B - texture: clayey, stones. Consistence, stickiness and plasticity refers to clay matrix. - stones: consisting of quartz and metamorphic rocks. 3C - also common fine distinct sharp white (10YR8/2) carbonatic pseudo mycelium. 3Cca - streaks with pinkish white (7.5YR8/3-8/1) and dark reddish brown (5YR3/8) as dominant colours, also many intermediate colours. - rock fragments: embedded in massive fine powdery lime, occuring in some parts of horizon. CLIMATE: xa - minimum precipitation.



WRB 2006WRB 1998
Luvic- Calcisol (Aridic Hyperochric Chromic)Aridi-Luvic- Calcisol (Hyperochric)
10-50 cmargic horizon
50-70 cmcalcic horizon
Chromi-Luvic CalcisolLuvic Yermosol
0-10 cmochric A horizon
10-50 cmargic B horizon
50-70 cmcalcic horizon
0-10 cmochric A horizon
10-50 cmargillic B horizon
50-70 cmcalcic horizon


Local classification:Red brown soil of dry savanna