Reference soil Netherlands 01: Luvisol
Distribution of Luvisols (rough estimation supplied by soilgrids)
A red podzolic soil, derived from river sediments (Maas), dating from early Weichsel or Saalean (Eem interglacial). Some worm channels filled with Ap material penetrate into the C horizon at 135 cm. The C1 horizon has got clayey sand pockets, coloured 2,5 YR 4/6 moist. The C2 consists of cemented reddish brown sand (5 YR 4/4) and banded loose olive brown sand ( 2.5Y 7/4).
WRB 1998:
Dystric Luvisol |
USDA-SCS (1975) |
Hapludalf | coarse-silty | mixed | mesic |
Classification (other) |
Rooibrikgrond |
Prov. of Limburg, Kessel, 100m from Maas River