Reference soil Netherlands 05: Luvisol
Distribution of Luvisols (rough estimation supplied by soilgrids)
A fine silty soil, situated in a loam pit near railway crossing at Sittard, consisting of late Pleistocene loess. The loam is being dug for brick manufacture. In the Ah and AB horizons occasional pieces of coal appear. Apart from clay cutans, there are silt coatings in Ah, AB and Bt horions. The mottles in the BC horizon are developed as horizontal laminae of 0.5-2mm thickness. (additional climatical data: xa - insolation (hrs).)
WRB 1998:
Cutani- Siltic Luvisol |
FAO-UNESCO 1974: |
Other classification
USDA-NRCS (1999) |
: | Typic | Hapludalf |
USDA-SCS (1975) |
Typic | Hapludalf | fine-silty | mixed | mesic |
Classification (other) |
Brikgrond |
Prov. of Limburg, Sittard