Reference soil Nigeria 01: Ferric Luvisol
Reference soil NG001: Ferric Luvisols
Profile forms part of IITA-LRD-ISM cooperative program IITA Toposequence, profile no.55 Survey marker CP 108 Examined: 8 february 1973 by F.R. Moormann and E. Chijoke Classification: INRA: Sol ferrallitique faiblement désaturé, remanié, faiblement rajeuni ou pénevolué. Parent material: Gravelly slope colluvium over residium from weathered banded gneiss. Surrounding landform: rolling with V-shapedvalleys in a trellis pattern Climatic data: Normal growing season (with dry period), dry days: 120, interm.days: 70, wet days: 175 Season begins on 7 march. Begin humid on 9 april. Humid period ends on 1 aug. Begin humid on 29 aug. Humid period (62 days) ends on 29 oct. End of season 7 nov. Total length of season is 246 days Brief general description of the profile: A deep reddish clayey soil with a sandier brownish surface soil and with a distinct stone line. In horizon 3 subangular quartz gravels, some quartz stones(8-10cm diameter). In horizon 4 subangular quartz gravel, mostly <1cm diam. In horizon 5 mottles both lighter and darker than matrix, fine angular quartz gravels, locally a tilted angular quartz vein, descending in the underlaying horizons. In horizon 6 mottles: mainly reddish yellow(weathered feldspar), red and black soft (Fe/Mn nodules), some saprolite increasing in size and number with depth. In horizon 7 multicoloured, saprolite with faint rock structure, increasingly clear with depth, fine quartz gravel; soft Fe/Mn nodules, many fine mica flakes In thesis W.J. Veldkamp also in MSc thesis P.Korvah, LUW, Wageningen Slides: ISRIC no. 2610, 2611 Photographs 74:9