Reference soil Nigeria 05: Chromic Luvisol

Distribution of Luvisols (rough estimation supplied by soilgrids)


Reference soil NG005: Chromic Luvisols

Authors: Moormann, Murdoch, van Baren. Location: On IART survey traverse 8, chain, approximately 100m E of road. Land use: Forest cleared 1974 for two maize crops. INRA classification: Sol ferralitique faiblement desature typique modale Additional notes on profile description: A1: Structure below 1-2cm moderate fine subangular blocky; pores: in lower part medium fine tubular random inped; few coarse roots; weathering amphibolite stones and gravels with 2-3 mm reddish skin and blackish interior. B1: Few subrounded amphibolite stones and boulders. B2t: Yellowish and blackish mottles. B3: Yellowish, blackish and reddish mottles. C+B: Yellowish mottles. Brief description of the profile: Deep red clay soil with an indistinct A1 horizon, increasingly saprolithic with depth. Isoya toposequence, profile no. 075. Profile forms part of the IITA-LRD-ISM Co-operative Program. The mottling in the sapropelic material is assumed not to qualify as a ferric property in the FAO classification. Alternative: Ferric Luvisol. References: Forbes, T.R.: A West African soil climosequence and some aspects of foodcrop potential. A thesis for the Degree of Master of Science. Cornell University, August 1975. Murdoch, G.; Moormann, F.R.: Identification of soil toposequences in the humid tropics of West Africa. Foreign and Commonwealth Office - Overseas Development Administration, miscellaneous report 178. Surbiton, Surrey, England 1974. Ola, S.A.: Tropical soils of Nigeria in engineering practice. University of Benin, Benin City. Rotterdam 1983. Smyth, A.J.; Montgomery, A.F.: Soils and land use in Central Western Nigeria. Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Ibadan 1962. Vine, H.: Review of work on Nigerian soils. Report to the National Research Council, Committee on Tropical Soils. University of Leicester, June 1970.



FAO-UNESCO-ISRIC 1974Chromic Luvisol stony


Local classification:Araromi Series