Reference soil Nigeria 07: Ferric Luvisol

Distribution of Luvisols (rough estimation supplied by soilgrids)


Reference soil NG007: Ferric Luvisols

Location: West of road to meteorological station block 33. Physiographic unit: Upper part across a wide valley, gently undulating, a local weakly pronounced rise. Watertable in B21t during peak of rainy season. Parent material: Sandy colluvium, over clayey sediments of Tertiary or secondary age; containing a few rounded weathered iron-sandstones at 50-75 cm. Drainage: Well drained, mottles in subsoil are probably inherited. Human influence: Surface soil shows the effect of deep mechanized ploughing whereby the subsoil was mixed with the A horizon and is visible as lighter coloured patches. INRA classification: Sol ferralitique faiblement desature apprauvi hydromorphe. Additional notes on profile description: Ap: few faunal voids; charcoal fragments; locally mixing with underlying horizon. A2: Fine roots diminishing with depth. B21t:Reddish mottles increasing with depth; slight clay-humus infiltration along vertical ped surfaces, with a chroma of 1 lower than matrix; some faunal voids. Ikenne toposequence, profile no. 069. Profile forms part of IITA-LRD-ISM program. Brief description of the soil: Deep reddish profile with brownish sandy surface layers and strongly mottled, lighter textured subsoil. Oxic is a tentative subgroup (USDA). References: Forbes, T.R.: A West African soil climosequence and some aspects of foodcrop potential. A thesis for the Degree of Master of Science. Cornell University, August 1975. Murdoch, G.; Moormann, F.R.: Identification of soil toposequences in the humid tropics of West Africa. Miscellaneous report 178, Foreign and Commonwealth Office - Overseas Development Administration. Surbiton, Surrey, England 1974. Ola, S.A.: Tropical soils of Nigeria in engineering practice, University of Benin, Benin City. Rotterdam 1983. Smyth, A.J.; Montgomery, A.F.: Soils and land use in Central Western Nigeria. Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Ibadan 1962. Vine, H.: Review of work on Nigerian soils. Report to the National Research Council, Committee on tropical soils. University of Leicester, England June 1970.



FAO-UNESCO-ISRIC 1974Ferric Luvisol phreatic


Local classification:Owode Series