Ap 0-20 cm |
brown (10YR 5/3, moist), sandy loam, weak fine crumb and single grain, very friable, common fine interstitial pores and common fine tubular pores, many fine and common medium roots, few termite channels, non calcareous, clear wavy boundary to, |
E 20-38 cm |
brown (10YR 5/3, moist), sandy loam, weak fine subangular blocky, very friable non sticky non plastic, many fine inped tubular random pores and common medium inped tubular random pores, many fine and few medium roots, few termite channels, non calcareous, clear wavy boundary to, |
2Bt1 38-61 cm |
brown (7.5YR 5/4, moist), sandy clay loam, moderate fine subangular blocky, firm slightly sticky slightly plastic, common (5-15%) fine faint mottles and common (5-15%) medium faint mottles, patchy thin cutans on pedfaces, many fine inped tubular random pores and common medium inped tubular random pores, few medium roots, few termite channels, non calcareous, clear wavy boundary to, |
2Bt2 61-93 cm |
brown (10YR 5/3, moist), sandy clay loam, moderate fine subangular blocky, firm slightly sticky slightly plastic, patchy thin cutans in root channels and pores, many fine inped tubular random pores and few medium inped tubular random pores, common fine and few medium roots, few channels, non calcareous, gradual wavy boundary to, |
2BCv 93-180 cm |
light brownish grey (10YR 6/2, moist), slightly gravelly sandy clay, weak medium subangular blocky, firm slightly sticky slightly plastic, many (15-40%) medium prominent sharp mottles (2.5YR 3/6) and many (15-40%) coarse prominent mottles (2.5YR 3/6), patchy thin cutans in root channels and pores, common fine inped tubular random pores, common fine roots, very few large ferruginous nodules, few termite channels, plinthite pans, non calcareous, |