Reference soil Pakistan 03: Calcisol


Calcisols occur in regions with distinct dry seasons, as well as in dry areas where carbonate-rich groundwater comes near the surface.


Soils having a (petro-)calcic horizon (horizon with accumulation of secondary calcium carbonates). In addition, they have no diagnostic horizons other than an ochric or cambic horizon, a calcareous argic horizon, or a gypsic horizon beneath a petrocalcic horizon.

Distribution of Calcisols (rough estimation supplied by soilgrids)


Reference soil PK003: Calcisol

Physiographic unit: Terrace No. 3 of Indus River Plain. Land use: Clover, wheat, oats; irrigated for about 100 years; manure added regularly. Human influence: Pottery pieces in Ap and BAt. pH-value (Thymol blue): moderately alkaline throughout. Additional notes on profile description: Ap: Also few medium continuous tubular pores and many fine roots. BAt: 10 YR 4/2 coatings on peds. Bt1+2: 10 YR 4/3 coatings on peds. 2Ck: Also 7.5 YR 4/4 common fine distinct clear mottles. 3C: Additinal moist matrix colours: 10 YR 6/4, 7.5 YR 4/4 variegated. Brief description of the soil: A silty to silty clayey, brown and light yellowish brown profile, gravelly from 94 to 117 cm. A weak, coarse subangular blocky structure turns to massive in the 2Ck and 3C horizons. Broken to continuous thin clay cutans show common clay movement in the BAt and B horizons. Mottling appears in BCt1 and 2Ck as brown to dark brown common fine distinct clear. Large hard calcite nodules and soft calcite masses are frequent in BCt1 and 2Ck. The soil material hardens when dry, is friable when moist and slightly sticky and plastic when wet. There are a few very fine to medium pores in the Ap and common to many very fine to fine below getting less with depth. A frequent biological activity and moderate alkalinity are furthe characteristics of this profile. Climate data source: FAO Agroclimatological data: Asia 2; Rome 1987. References: Directorate of soil survey, West Pakistan; Reconnaissance soil survey Lahore District; Lahore 1968. Brinkman, R.; Soil genesis in West Pakistan; Pakistan Soil Bulletin No. 4, Lahore February 1971.



WRB 2014 


Local classification:Bhalwal series