Ah 0-14 cm |
dark brown (10YR 3/3, moist)loam,strong coarse granular,friable slightly sticky slightly plastic,many fine interstitial pores,common very fine, common fine, very few medium and very few coarse roots ,frequent worm channels,clear smooth boundary to, |
AE 14-28 cm |
dark greyish brown (10YR 3/2, moist)loam,moderate coarse subangular blocky,friable slightly sticky slightly plastic,few (25%) fine faint clear mottles 10YR6/2 (light brownish grey),common fine and medium interstitial pores,common very fine, common fine, few medium and few coarse roots,frequent worm channels,clear smooth boundary to, |
EB 28-42 cm |
brown (10YR 5/3, moist)sandy loam,weak subangular blocky,friable slightly sticky plastic,common fine interstitial pores,few fine, few micro and few coarse roots,few worm channels,clear wavy boundary to, |
Bt1 42-75 cm |
(dark) brown (7.5YR 4/2, moist)clay,strong very coarse angular blocky,firm very sticky very plastic,common (5-15%) coarse prominent sharp 10YR7/2 (light grey) mottles,common continuous distinct clay cutans on pedfaces,few fine interstitial pores,very few fine roots,few worm channels,gradual smooth boundary to, |
Bt2 75-118 cm |
(dark) brown (7.5YR 4/4, moist)clay,strong very coarse angular blocky,firm very sticky very plastic,abundant prominent continuous clay cutans on pedfaces,few very fine interstitial pores,very few very fine roots,few very fine rounded soft black manganiferous concretions,few worm channels,clear smooth boundary to, |
2Cg 118-137 cm |
brown (7.5YR 5/2, moist)sandy loam,weak extremely coarse angular blocky,very friable, slightly sticky, non-plastic,many (15-40%) coarse distinct sharp mottles 7.5YR4/4 ((dark) brown) ,very few very fine interstitial pores, |
2Cg 118-137 cm |
sandy loam |
Auger 150-200 cm |
pale brown (10YR 6/3, moist)sandy clay loam, |