Reference soil Spain 13: Calcisol


Calcisols occur in regions with distinct dry seasons, as well as in dry areas where carbonate-rich groundwater comes near the surface.


Soils having a (petro-)calcic horizon (horizon with accumulation of secondary calcium carbonates). In addition, they have no diagnostic horizons other than an ochric or cambic horizon, a calcareous argic horizon, or a gypsic horizon beneath a petrocalcic horizon.

Distribution of Calcisols (rough estimation supplied by soilgrids)


Reference soil ES013: Calcisols

Profile is developed in 60 cm dark brown, silt loam colluvial material with calcium-mycelium on peds and gypsum concretions. Below this an old shallow, olive gray, silt loam profile directly laying on gypsum J. van Alphen and F. de los Rios Romero. 1971. Gypsiferous Soils. Bulletin 12. ILRI. Wageningen, The Netherlands.



WRB 2014 
Petric CalcisolCalcic Cambisol
- cmcalcic horizon
- cmcambic B horizon
- cmochric A horizon
-weatherable minerals
- cmcalcic horizon
- cmcambic B horizon
- cmochric A horizon
-weatherable minerals


Local classification:suelo pardo