Reference soil Sweden 04: Regosol


Regosols are found in areas where soil has been eroded to the extent that the underlying unconsolidated materials come near to the surface, or where soil formation has not played an important role, e.g. in desert regions. The name comes from the greek 'rhegos' :blanket meaning young soils on weathering materials.


Soils in medium and fine textured materials, having no distinctive horizons other than an ochric horizon at the surface.

Distribution of Regosols (rough estimation supplied by soilgrids)


Reference soil SE004: Regosols

Location: 2 km W of Degeberga (Linderoedsaasen), 1400 W from railway crossing the road to Vollsjoe, 100 m N of road. C1: Sand with many shell fragments.



WRB 2014 
Calcaric Regosol  


Local classification:Pararendzina