Ah 0-7 cm |
dark reddish brown (5YR 3/3, moist)sandy loam,weak to moderate fine and medium subangular blocky and weak to moderate coarse subangular blocky,soft (dry), very friable (moist), slightly sticky, slightly plastic,many very fine pores,many fine roots,non calcareous,clear wavy boundary to, |
BA 7-24 cm |
(2.5YR 3/5, moist)sandy clay loam,weak to moderate medium and coarse subangular blocky,soft very friable sticky slightly plastic,common very fine pores,many fine and medium roots,non calcareous,diffuse smooth boundary to, |
Bt1 24-40 cm |
dark red (2.5YR 3/6, moist)sandy clay loam,weak to moderate medium and coarse subangular blocky,soft friable sticky slightly plastic,patchy thin clay cutans,common very fine and fine pores,many fine roots,non calcareous,diffuse smooth boundary to, |
Bt2 40-70 cm |
dark red (2.5YR 3/6, moist)sandy clay loam,weak fine and medium subangular blocky,soft very friable sticky plastic,patchy thin clay cutans,common very fine and fine pores,common fine and medium roots,non calcareous,diffuse smooth boundary to, |
Bt3 70-100 cm |
dark red (2.5YR 3/6, moist)sandy clay loam,weak fine and medium subangular blocky,soft very friable sticky plastic,patchy thin clay cutans,common very fine and fine pores,common fine and medium roots,non calcareous,diffuse smooth boundary to, |
Bt4 100-130 cm |
red (2.5YR 4/6, moist)sandy clay loam,weak fine and medium subangular blocky,soft very friable sticky plastic,patchy thin clay cutans,common very fine and fine pores,common fine and medium roots,non calcareous, |