Reference soil Zimbabwe 05: Luvisol
Luvisols occur mainly in temperate regions, particularly in areas with a Mediterranean-type of climate.
Soils having an argic horizon (a subsurface horizon with a distinct higher clay content than the overlying horizon) with a cation exchange capacity equal to or more than 24 cmolc per kg clay throughout.
Reference soil ZW005: Luvisols
(1) The site would normally be under a mixed Acacia/Colophosphermum mopane woodland, but clearing for the Research Station's trials have removed the natural vegetation. (2) The site is situated in a tillage trial block, that was ploughed in October 1989 and planted to sorghum during the 1990 summer season. There was no crop present at the time of monolith sampling. (3) Vegetation samples taken in the vicinity were identified as follows. Grass species included Chloris virgata, Digitaria milanjana, Enneopogon cenchroides, Eragrostis barrelieri, Eragrostis superba and Urochloa mosambicensis. Herbaceous species included Euphorbia hirta, Hibiscus sidiformis, Indigofera praticola, Neorautanenia brachypus, Phyllanthus maderaspatensis, Tephrosia purpurea, Vernonia fastigiata and Tribulus terrestris. Two woody species were identified as Maerua angolensis and Sclerocarya birrea. (4) Lister (1986, p. 52) indicates that the area around Chiredzi is situated on the Pliocene Erosion Surface and is a remarkably even pedi-plain covering a very wide expanse of country. The excessive erosion that has occured since the Pliocene movements can be attributed to constantly-repeated sheet floods, which are sometimes recorded in the present day. The general landsurface rises from 470 m near Beitbridge to about 700 m at its northernmost extent. (5) Concentrations of common, subrounded quartz stones of coarse gravel to small stone size were observed at the bottom of the mixed Horizon 2 (39 cms) and above the weathering material of Horizon 5 (107 cms). A few of these quartz stones can be found on the surface, as a result of ploughing. (6) Rain (70mm) fell on 18/2/91 but only wetted up the top two Horizons, to a depth of 39 cms. (7) Horizon 2 was already beginning to dry out and show incipient subangular blocky structure. (8) Horizon 5 is one of SLM (soil-like material) Horizon 6 of soft weathering rock showing residual rock structure, and Horizon 7 is slightly hard weathering rock. (9) A number of insect specimens were taken for identification. Of the Coleoptera order, (Staphilinidae Staphilininae) Oxytelus sp.; of the Blatodea order, (Ectobiidae Ectobiinae) Ectobius sp.; of the Isoptera order, (Termitidae) Macrotermes falcigar; and a specimen of the Chilopoda order.
WRB 2006 | |||||||||||||||
Cutanic- Luvisol (Hypereutric Clayic) | |||||||||||||||
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FAO-UNESCO-ISRIC 1988 | FAO-UNESCO-ISRIC 1974 | ||||||||||||||
Orthi-Calcic Luvisol | Calcic Luvisol | ||||||||||||||
Local classification: | Triangle 4PE.2 Series |